Late Pledges, Indiegogo & the Path Ahead

We’re launching Quin on Indiegogo Dec 15, taking Late Pledges and New Fans alike. Having funded with 116% on Kickstarter, there’s a lot less pressure on this next phase of the crowdfunding, and we’re excited to see how the community grows, and if we can get our Backers any further discounts on Shipping for a larger quantity of overall sales by the time the 1st Edition ships.

The Indiegogo will be running straight through Feb 15, so there’s plenty of time to get in on your 1st Edition set, but there are limited numbers available. Of course the 2nd Edition will be amazing too, but there will only be a 1st Edition of Quin exactly one time. So if you haven’t backed the project yet, now is the time! Get in on the ground floor and join us on this incomparable adventure, bringing a truly new gaming system to tabletop strategy fans worldwide. And if you have made your Pledge, now is the time to spread the word and help the 1st Edition sell out before we even see it on the shelf. Simply put, the more copies we move in this first fulfillment, the better our position to negotiate low shipping rates for everyone.

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Chinese New Year is being delayed a bit due to the pandemic, so there is every likelihood that the actual final fulfillment date may push. With that in mind, there’s a lot of time still to build the campaign and community via Indiegogo. We’ll be putting out the Pledge Manager for everyone at the same time, and will be in touch with the community via Updates and Emails both at that time, so nobody can miss out.

With that said, production is steaming ahead smoothly. But safety has to come first, and quality definitely comes before speed. So expect your copy of Quin in the near future, and we’ll continue to communicate as we get there, so everyone’s in the loop.

We’ve been taking the time, working hard to upgrade everything from the 5 Step Start Guide to the Retail Box, to the pieces themselves, to the International Translations, to the magnetic action of the Game Board, to make this 1st Edition a star for your shelves, and can’t wait to show it all off. If you’re jonesing for Quin in the meantime, we’re still FREE to play online via Tabletopia, worldwide. Want a training sesh? Email and we’ll set something up.

Not to mention we’ve been keeping the muse inspired on Project: Blue, which is starting to take shape in a form we never expected, with a life of it’s own. Can’t wait for that reveal! Though it’s likely still months away . . .

Hop over to Indiegogo right NOW and join the group. Let’s let the Indiegogo crowd know that Quin already has a community, and we’re here to play.

(Edited February 6, 2024)


The Home Stretch


Kickstarter Campaign Diary