Kickstarter Campaign Diary
Well, that was definitely memorable. Welcome to the other side of it all. We took a few days to recoup, catch up a bit on the day jobs, and figure out where it all goes from here. Soon enough we’ll be in touch with backers, and putting out next steps. In the meantime, here’s a compilation of the Campaign Updates as they happened, for posterity. Some of the multimedia links don’t transfer, so of course the Kickstarter Story is immortalized over HERE, with all the details, and to a true Quin fan, it’s a deep swim that’s tons of fun. Thanks always.
We ended day 1 as the Hottest New Game on Kickstarter! ( rankings)
Arch & Gravity Publishing October 1, 2020
Thanks for being a part of Quin on Day One.
If you haven’t already, hop over to to watch some videos, download the rules, even hit up Tabletopia for the virtual game (Mobile Code: SQ3GXU). Join the community on Facebook and Instagram. If you’re not watching the IG Stories for Quin the Game, you’re missing out.
This is a deep game, with a great life ahead worldwide, that’s bigger than the two of us as developers. Our job as a community right now is to dig in and find those Backers. $20K will get this thing funded, but we’ve got our sights on those Stretch Goals. We want you to have Official Totems and the Quin App!
Now, to clarify, Quin is getting made. As a production studio, we’re already working with our manufacturer and fulfillment partners to deliver this game on time to every one of you. We’re not waiting for funding to come through, instead we’re using the funding to pay back our production budget after the campaign. I say this so you can understand, there is zero risk of Quin not delivering. Share it with your friends and family, and the Kickstarter world, with confidence, that even though this is the first game from Arch & Gravity, it’s going to knock their socks off.
So those rankings are fickle, and we’ve disappeared from the Hot List during the night (you mean you slept? Haha). We need real traction to keep this thing rising. As your studio, we’re investing in the ads to get the word out, all across Youtube, the Blogosphere and Social Media. But as good as day one went, it’s clear this isn’t going to be easy, especially to hit those awesome Stretch Goals. We’re a small company, building a community around this game from scratch, and bold enough to be creative with how we’re doing it. Even though we aren’t rich – we’re just two working people from Denver – we believe in Quin enough to put our own money forward into production. We believe in you. So it’s a group thing now. Let’s do this together!
Feel free to reach out to us anytime, with thoughts, Q’s or anything creative, via the KS Forums, Facebook or
Quin Official – Worldwide is the FB Group for great First Looks and Exclusive Updates
“Quin is really going to shine on your table.” – Jesse Anderson, Quackalope Reviews
51% at the start of Day 3. We can do this, Quin Family.
Arch & Gravity Publishing October 2, 2020
The climb has been challenging this far, but we’re doing it, people. The question is, how far can we take it? The international translation is assured (we’ve just added Italian to the list), but will we hit those other Stretch Goals?
Huge shout out to our Light of Quin Backer Pledges. When this game is in many hands, around the world, they will all have you to thank.
Hey did you all know we’re running Riddles for Quin Points and about to launch our Scavenger Hunt? Check and hit that Contests tab. QP will be redeemable for Free Swag and more.
We’re open to Pledges of all dollar amounts. Send your friends the link, or that Riddle, and let’s get them in the door at $1, so they can start to feel the energy of what this thing is becoming.
Live Quin matches will be happening this Sunday, starting about 3:30pm, and we’ll be Podcasting and Webcamming throughout, updating highlights all around our media networks. Be sure to check in on FB & IG that afternoon and follow along! We’re working on getting more gamers involved. If you know any gamers, especially but not limited only to the Denver area, who want to be in on the first Tournaments, let us know at
Last note this morning is that we’re hard at work on the Easy Start Guide: Quin in 5 Steps, as requested by some of our reviewers. We’re finding the best way to get new players over that first hill, so everyone can enjoy the nuanced, unpredictable, social strategy that is Quin.
Thanks for being here! Let’s toss off the weekend crowdfunding lull and get this game on.
“As if an advanced civilization took Stratego and Chess, and made a much better game.” – Man vs Meeple
The New 5 Step Guide & Incoming Podcast Matches – Let’s Play Quin!
Arch & Gravity Publishing October 4, 2020
Quin Family, we wanted to just touch base, headed into our 1st Sunday of the Campaign. We’re 60% Funded at the start of Day 5. Thanks to everyone, we see you, we love that you’re here, and we won’t forget you. From the $1 curious, just here to say you think Quin’s the bomb, to the $40 Deluxe 1st Edition Backers – you’re the heart of this campaign. You know that right? From the Light of Quin Pledges, whose generosity and deep belief in what we’re doing here give us hope that those Stretch Goals are actually in reach, to the Comments-Section-Superbackers, you know who you are, keeping the room alive. Everyone can take a tip from our good friend Ghost: talk, share, push buttons. The fate of Quin rests largely in how well we, as a community, play these algorithms.
Short on cash? You can support Quin by going over to BGG and starting a thread about the game. Hit up Tabletopia and just mess around for an hour or so to get your feet wet with the mechanics. Search Quin. Click Quin. Say Quin. The internet is listening . . . Go to, daily, find the game and click through to the campaign. Let them know that we’re here to stay.
The 5 Step Quick Start Guide is a WIP as of now, but it’s gorgeous and coming together fast. The first few pages are viewable through the Rules section of the Kickstarter Story, if you want to check them out. We’re committed to making this game accessible for everyone, without losing a touch of the depth. Quin is going to be played in international competitions (if we have our way, anyway), but first, we need people to feel welcome in their first tries. Enter, the 5 Step. Let’s dance, eh? (Thanks for the edits, Christian! Already got them online.)
We’re coming to you with our first Podcast this afternoon, 3:30PM MST. Details are still in the air as to exactly what we will do live, and what we will simply update in semi-live fashion, and what will air after post-production, but what I do know for certain is that after this week of promotion, promotion, promotion . . . I’m SO ready to play some Quin. Tune in to anything Quin, here or on our Social Networks, and we’ll try to be sure you can’t miss it. Pro tip: Subscribe to our IG Stories, and FB Group Quin Official – Worldwide. Content often shows up there first.
Now get out there and spread the word! Let’s throw this “weekend lull” business to the birds. Quin is ready to fly.
Here’s a cool Video you may not have caught yet:
Share it!
New! How To Play Quin – Tabletopia Walkthrough #1
Arch & Gravity Publishing October 9, 2020
If you’re falling in love with Quin, like we did, but still kind of wondering how it actually plays, check out our brand new Tabletopia Walkthrough Video.
Taeleen is going to talk you through the very basics of the game in this one, in about 10 minutes time, and after that you’ll be ready to jump into your own free Tabletopia match, or watch some of the other sweet playthroughs on our Youtube channel – and know the language! It’s true, this game is just new enough and unique enough that you will learn a few new words before feeling at home, but once you do, there’s no going back. Quin doesn’t just look like a cool new game, it is balanced, tested, and ready for serious competitions or family game nights around the world.
Riddle 5 went live yesterday, at, and we’re giving out Quin Points for correct answers.
Stumped? You must not be following our Instagram account! (that’s a hint)
The Quin Scavenger Hunt is starting next week. Keep a look out for it.
We’re 78% Funded! As I write this, but definitely standing on that mid-month plateau. Let’s dig in as a community and get this thing to 200%. On our end, we’re exploring advertising partnerships with some big names in Crowdfunding, but there’s just no denying that organic shares are WAY more powerful than anything we can do to promote as creators. If every one of us will tell 2 people about Quin, and then they each tell 2 people . . . well that’s exponents for you, and that’s how big things happen.
So thanks again to everyone backing this passion project. We’re just two indie creatives from Colorado, doing our thing with this unique little strategy game, and we’re loving having you on board for it. The thing is, we don’t mind promoting, and marketing, heck we even kind of like designing . . . but what do we LOVE? Playing the game. We’ve been playing versions of this game for over a decade in our house, believe it or not, and we still never know just what’s going to happen when we sit down to the table.
See you next update!
NEW! Quin Arcade Mode, Scavenger Hunt + Quick Start Rulebook
Arch & Gravity Publishing October 19, 2020
Powering into the 2nd half of this Campaign, we’re sitting at 88% as I write this, so THANKS to everyone here! You’re the reason Quin is going to be real. Let’s take it to the skies and reach for those Stretch Goals. It’s not too late to expand with Totems and the Digital App here, and we’ve got big plans to help make these last 10 days really rock. But no matter what we do, there’s just nothing that compares to Word-of-Mouth. So if you like what we’re doing here, share the Link and let’s get this in front of gamers worldwide.
We’ve got NEW CONTENT live now. Not the least of it is the new Arcade Mode, with a streamlined ruleset for more action, a little less memory-strain, made for game nights with the family or casual players. Classic Quin has been rebranded as Third Eye Mode, with all Powers unlocked and the honed, competitive play we’ve been talking about from day one, at the top of its genre. Add to this the 5 Step Start Guide, and now players of all levels and interests can get going at Quin in their first few minutes at the board. This was our biggest hurdle in bringing this epic deep strategy title to tables, and we think we’ve really finally nailed it. Let us know what you think after you’ve had a chance to check it out! Hop on over to Tabletopia and give it a spin when you’re ready.
Our latest competitive broadcast is available on Youtube, with high-level play. If you want to see what Quin looks like after you’ve mastered the basics, this video is a great watch (and includes a few valuable pro tips that might win some early games at your table):
Next up, the 1st ever Quin Scavenger Hunt by Arch & Gravity is running now through Halloween, and we’re giving out Quin Points like candy! New Goals – as well as Spiked Shell Goals to help new players close the gap – will be appearing here and there as they come, and new Prizes as well are going to show up before the end. So get over to and tap that Contests Tab to see what it’s all about, download the Goals pdf and get into it.
The short of it is that Quin is entering the home stretch with Funding on Lock, Stretch Goals in sight, and energy to spare. All we need from you, and we really do need it, is that Word-of-Mouth. Tell your friends and family about this sweet little strategy game, and together let’s bring deep gaming to new heights. Because we’ve got big plans, and want you along for the ride when we bring our next projects to Light in 2021.
Thanks for being here, Quin Family!
The last 7 Days! Let’s take it home, Quin Family.
Arch & Gravity Publishing October 22, 2020
It’s been an unforgettable journey, but we’re almost at the finish line. Aiming down these sights, we’ve got funding in reach. If we don’t hit those Stretch Goals, well we still made one heck of a push for a 1st Time Studio, reaching $20K with our feet under us to get this game into your hands and around the world, with top quality components and an environmental commitment like few others. Join the mailing list at, and let’s keep in touch, because this is just the beginning for both Quin and Arch & Gravity.
But it’s not over yet! Now’s the time to dig in deeper, back this thing with all we’ve got, SHARE THE LINKS like wildfire, and sign up to play on Tabletopia. Let’s push that algorithm through the roof here in the final week and let the world know that gaming isn’t just about Awkward Elephants, or Albino Mittens, or whatever other admittedly cute and fun gimmicky reskins are coming out this week. We love cooperation, but Quin is here because we believe there is a place for serious, original competition. We believe it is OK to lose sometimes, it’s even part of the fun. When your rival reveals their Light in that last-second push, and you’re scrambling to find a way to defend, well that’s FUN, no matter who wins.
Did you check out the revised Quin Keys and Quick Start Guide? Now anyone can play Quin, within minutes of unboxing, just the way it should be.
Riddle 7 went live today.
Like anything else in the world of Quin it can’t be solved by Google. This is a challenge, for people who like the dopamine rush of figuring things out on their own. We know that’s a risky stance, but we’re taking it with both feet. Great games should be art. Great games should be DEEP.
The Scavenger Hunt is going strong, and it’s worth a shout out to Alex Rebel L, who tweeted at SpaceX! And [Name Withheld] who was the first to bring on a genuine Quin Padawan. Brian T was the first to visit his local Game Shop and talk up Quin! Christian C is sneaking up, within a few QP of 2nd Place, adding up those Goals daily! The BONUS GOALS for the last 7 days are live now, and qualify for Spiked Shell points, for anyone not yet on our Leaderboards, doubling the value to get you in the race fast. This is how you win an extra copy of the Deluxe Edition at Launch, to get your friends into it at no additional cost. Bank those QP! We’ll give out as many copies as there are players with winning levels of QP, you don’t have to be #1 to win this – though that may come with a prestige all it’s own.
We’ve shied away from reviewers calling this game a challenger to Chess – though they’ve repeatedly done just that – but the truth is we’re chomping at the bit to see serious gamers worldwide dig in and try to find the cracks. We can’t wait to see what evolves in this ridiculously well-balanced yet asymmetrical arena, where you never know what’s coming – but luck has no home.
We love dropping hidden Goals in weird places for the observant, so here’s one, the Quin Match-Up Challenge! Simply match the symbols on the left to the riddles on the right, and shoot us an email with the answers at (Eg: A-5, B-2, C-5 etc) Each correct answer here is worth 10QP, making the whole page an 80 Quin Point challenge, 160 for anyone not yet on the Leaderboards! There may be a hint in plain sight on our Social Media if you need it too, just saying.
7 Days to Go, and nothing but blue skies ahead. Let’s do it Quin Family! There’s plenty more where this gem of a game is coming from, but this moment WILL NOT HAPPEN TWICE. Thanks for being here.
Quin is 100% FUNDED! Thanks for bringing the Light.
Arch & Gravity Publishing October 26, 2020
QUIN IS NOW FUNDED 100%!!! Thanks Quin Family. This deep strategy game is going to be on tabletops worldwide, and YOU are the reason why. Every single one of you is truly a Light!
We’ve reached the base goal of the project, covered our production costs, and unlocked the 1st Stretch Goal all at the same time, guaranteeing the International Translated Rulebook. Official Totems are next up, and really are the 1st SWEET Goal that I know we all want. Can we drive home $5K additional funding before the 30th to support it? Well, we aren’t going to let it go without a fight.
If you haven’t already, jump over to the Scavenger Hunt Page at and join the fun! It’s a great way to share the word while getting in on the competition and earning cool prizes all at the same time. EVERYONE that earns at least 500 Quin Points will qualify for a FREE additional copy of the game, and that’s far more doable than you might think at first. There’s at least 220 QP up for grabs in our Tabletopia Tournament alone! Just get in some matches and shoot us screenshots at so we can track wins. It’s that easy. Arcade or 3rd Eye Mode both count, but do let us know which you’re playing.
Anyway, no long-winded update here. Just wanted to let you know, that we know, that you know, that this game is now a reality, and there’s no turning it back. Thanks for being here, Quin Family.
Hey, last note, we’re currently sitting at #5 on the Hot List, surrounded by a slew of heavy hitting $100K+ games by major established studios. We’re literally the Hobbit in Mt Doom there. No looking down. Destiny awaits! So click this LINK and follow through to the Kickstarter Campaign page to boost us in their algorithm. Post comments in the comments section! Together we can get the attention of the Crowdfunding gods here in the final days and push these Stretch Goals to the moon.
15 Hours to go in the Quin Campaign!
Arch & Gravity Publishing October 29, 2020
111% Funded going into the last few hours! That’s got to be a good sign.
Thanks for being here. Let’s share the heck out of this project in these final hours, and get that Totems Stretch Goal. If only half of our Backers followed through with a share, and half of those got a 2nd Pledge for the game, that would be 94 additional Backers, for $3760+ additional funding, driving us well past the threshold to lock in that awesome Stretch Goal. So let’s do it! I know you all want somebody else to get seriously competitive with anyway, so bring them in NOW, before it’s gone.
Quin Riddle 8 just went Live.
There’s a big Spiked Shell Hunt Goal that just went up on our Facebook Page and Group, and with help like that, anyone can earn a 2nd copy of the Game before this Contest ends. Submissions must be received by 7PM on Oct 31st! Email screenshots and answers to
But the Kickstarter ends at 6am on the 30th, so let’s get these shares out! Tag influencers and famous people, or just share directly to your gamer friends, and together we can finish in legendary style.
See you on the other side of the finish line!
Sincerely, Thanks.
-Brian & Taeleen
Welcome to the Future of Quin
Arch & Gravity Publishing November 1, 2020
So the Kickstarter is over, and you came through for Quin as a community with flying colors. 115% Funded, with 395 Individual Backers, including 5 Retail Pledges, 3 Schools, and 3 Lights of Quin. Tremendous appreciation goes out to every single one of you. Thanks for believing, like we do, in this game.
We took a couple days to catch up on our sleep a little, but the calendar won’t wait, so here we are with the campaign wrap-up and a couple sweet announcements.
Introducing the Quin Amateur League on Tabletopia! Register and play for FREE. As we grow, we’ll start organizing scheduled Matches, but for now it’s pretty informal. Just a way to track and reward our new Player Base, reward you for bringing on New Players, finding OP Strategies, and just getting people playing the game. Join “Quin Official – Worldwide” on FB Groups to find rivals, and talk Quin anytime. Because Quin is pretty, and it’s cool, but mostly it’s designed to be FUN and REWARDING to play. So we hope you’ll get into it, before the physical release, and keep building this thing with us, into the seriously competitive world-class strategic beast it is destined to become. If all goes well, it won’t be long before we have some skilled players who can wallop ME handily, and we’ll be announcing Tournaments, followed by the Pro League – with real cash prizes.
Once you get in a game or 2, you’ll find Quin isn’t half as hard as you may think. But it is at least twice as deep.
Just start with the 5 Step Guide, and you’ll do fine.
Kickstarter was fun, and an inspiring success, but it never was the endgame. We have big plans, for both Quin and our lineup of future releases. We can’t give away too much info just yet, but suffice it to say that over the coming years we have brand new Card Games, Quin Add-Ons like the Worldwide App and Official Totems, the 1st Quin Expansion, and a massively strategic, sci-fi systems management game that for now we’re just referring to as “Project: Blue.” And even that won’t satisfy our ambitions, in the end. We’ve got drafts of a couple other apps in the works, and are keeping our options open as a publisher, always interested in what opportunities may come our way that fit with our product lines. Feel free to submit to anytime. We’re happy to talk design and editing even if your project falls outside of our scope for now.
Jonesing for some additional Arch & Gravity content, but don’t want to wait for February for the Quin delivery? You may not know it, but we started life as an indie sci-fi book publisher. Check out Genex of Halcyon by Joshua Stelling, if you’re into hard sci-fi with a literate/philosophical twist, and world-building with creativity to spare. “A soaring vision of the near future.” – Midwest Book Review
Taeleen has an incredible set of eye candy photos and stories at her artist IG account, which can be found HERE, and if you’re not following it yet, well get to it!
We’re transitioning out of Kickstarter Campaign mode now, into manufacturing and fulfillment, and among the steps involved in this is swinging our Mailing List from Quin-Exclusive to general Arch & Gravity Content once again. Unsubscribing is easy, but we hope you’ll enjoy everything we’ve got coming your way under the A+G banner. Hey, subscribing is easy too, if you haven’t yet. Just hit up and fill in your email address to get in the loop.
On the fulfillment side, we’re still negotiating shipping, trying to find the absolute best rates, so as soon as we have those answers, we’ll be getting the links out to you all, worldwide. Thanks for bearing with us. As a first-time game creator here, we believe it is better to take the time on this point, and hopefully save you some money on the back end. If the schedule changes, rest assured we’ll be in touch about it. We’re in it for the long haul, so customer satisfaction truly is our top priority.
The Scavenger Hunt is over, and was an awesome success. Props go to Alex Rebel L for taking top honors, with 1.6 KQP banked! Honorable mentions to Brian T, Christian C, Ghost, Fitch P and Steven T for strong showings across the board.
Feel free to reach out to anytime, about anything. Hopefully we’ll see you all soon in the Tabletopia arena! The future of Quin is going to be a wide, fun, unpredictable thing, but I know one thing for sure – It will be played.
(Edited February 6, 2024)