Lightning Strikes
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Bring your own Totem when you come to play Quin, like you bring your poker face – bring your personality to the table. Quin is polished, unique and ready for retail, but it’s not complete until you sit down at the board. There’s a place for games that are better when you’re drunk, for a style of design that encourages you to be passive, that just showing up is enough, but that place is not here. Quin is going to challenge you. It’s going to make you think, but better yet it’s not going to let you win by that alone. You’re going to need to pay attention, practice not just analysis but awareness, hone your memory, understand your rival personally, and sharpen your wits. Because, until that first day you unbox it, you’ll never have played one like this before.
We’ve put some serious effort into shaving down the learning curve. The Official Website has downloadable, print & audio versions of the Quin Key Rule Card and the 95pg Quin Strategy Guide, as well as Video Playthroughs and Tutorials. Not to mention The Dice Tower just published a Youtube Pocket Playthrough that goes over many of the basics of the game in easy-to-follow details. When you first open the box, be ready for a round or 2 in Vision Mode (Face-Up Play), we put that in the Quick Start Guide for a reason, it’s going to ease you into things and have you up to speed like a pro before you even know it.
You’ll be running Memory Swaps, Shadow Rushes, Void Screens and Reflections by the time you’re an hour in, guaranteed, and you’ll probably start to understand just why we did things exactly the way we did them. Quin doesn’t just talk about replayability, Quin lives and breathes it. This thing is made to run 15-45 minutes, but I’m not going to lie, we want your whole day. Nobody gets away from a single Quin game without a rematch, because the Meta is massive. This isn’t just some chess knock-off where you conquer your opponent like a King dominates his Queen (when really she’s far cooler and really everybody knows she runs that table).
In Quin taking your rival’s piece is not always the right move. Partly that’s because a lost piece in Quin is rarely truly gone. A resurrected Shadow, Time, Void or Reflector can be more powerful than their first-life counterpart, and that’s not to mention the danger of triggering Accelerated Artificial Light by taking both of their Shadows. Even more, as you play your 50th game or so, you’ll start to understand that every single move counts. Stealth really is as important as strategy, a lost piece or Power is far better than an unused one, and many games end no more than 1 or 2 moves apart. We’re considering opening a serious contest for any player that can prove an unbalanced dominance with any single strategy.
The answers to all 3 of our first Quin Riddles are in the game, just like everything else you’ll need. Do you know a little about real world Quantum Theory? Well throw that out the window. It won’t help you here. Quin is a singular manifestation of our passion to build something real, something new, unafraid to be intelligent but inclusive for everyone. Because kids need good games, and so do the rest of us. Save Cards Against for another night, today the drink is water, the game is scientifically aware, beautiful enough to grab eyes even when it’s not being played. At the Hungry Gamer’s suggestion, we’re looking into developing a wall-mount, being as the thing is magnetic, after all, and that would just be too darn cool.
Quin’s got our focus, and we’re going to see this thing through no matter what it takes. But we are starting to look ahead. There’s all likelihood of another Arch & Gravity game coming to Kickstarter or even two in the future, and some talk’s been going around our little home office about a massive follow-up project that for now we’re just calling “Codename: Project Blue.” Back us on Quin, and help us make this studio a reality. Because the gaming culture needs it, and needs it now, and you believe, like we do, that great games, like great sci-fi, can change the world. And they should.